You’re never too old for happy hour, retirement village decides

The residents of a Murray Bridge retirement village are now able to enjoy a brand new bar facility thanks to the Murraylands Community Men's Shed.

You’re never too old for happy hour, retirement village decides
Tash May and Rowena Fox are happy with the new bar for residents' happy hour. Photo: Liana Webster.

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The Murray Lands Retirement Village has been able to put a new bar to use with a happy hour event last Friday.

This was the very first time residents had used the bar, made thanks to the Murraylands Community Men's Shed.

Approximately 60 people from the village attended the happy hour.

Village manager Rowena Fox said she had started serving residents for happy hour around six months ago.

"For the first one I held, the residents stayed until 10.30pm and that's when I had to kick them out," she said.

"This new addition will allow the residents to feel like they're more in a bar environment."

The men's shed installed the bar in four sections on Wednesday, September 18, just in time for the main event.

Barry Laubsch, Roger Kilpatrick, Charlie Meneghetti, Andrew Meecham and Rowena Fox pause behind the newly built bar. Photo: Rowena Fox.

Services that came along to the night included the men's shed, Chirpy Friendship Group, Twin Bridges Distillery, Riverside Woodfired Pizzas, Heart to Art and Woodlane Orchard.

A raffle was also included to raise money for the village in combination with an upcoming garage sale in October.

A third of the proceeds will go to village fundraising, a third to the residents' committee and a third will go to next year's Walk a Mile in My Boots event. 

Earlier in the year, the village put a team together to help raise money for those experiencing homelessness in the Hutt Street Centre's Walk a Mile challenge.

The team was lucky enough to head down to Adelaide to complete the final mile of the event.

Team member Maggie Brittain said that although they were the last to cross the finish line, they got a clap from the other supporters.

"Of course you get the really enthusiastic ones that were out the front, but we just couldn't do it ... we're too old," she said.

Chris Burns, CEO of Hutt Street Centre gives residents a presentation on homelessness. Photo: Rowena Fox

The team has already registered for next year's event and are going to start fundraising in October.

"We raised just over $4000 and hope to reach over that goal for next year," Ms Brittain said.

"We were very proud of that."

CEO of Hutt St Centre Chris Burns was also there to provide residents with a presentation on the functions of the Hutt Street Centre and the Walk a Mile in My Boots event.

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