Sunnyside shack owner fined $60,000 for environmental harm
A property owner whose earthworks affected the River Murray has been prosecuted by the Environment Protection Authority.
A Sunnyside shack owner has been fined $60,000 for earthworks which caused serious harm to the River Murray.
The Environment Protection Authority had taken Jason Tranter to court for disposing of soil in the river back in 2021.
He pleaded guilty to causing serious environmental harm.
In sentencing, Environment, Resources and Development Court Senior Judge Michael Durrant said only a significant penalty would send a strong enough message to others.
The judge reduced Tranter’s original fine from $100,000 on account of his guilty plea.
EPA investigations and incident management manager Kelly Clarke hoped the conviction would keep others from disregarding development rules.
“Senior Judge Durrant has sent a strong message in his sentencing remarks that this type of environmental offending is serious and will not be tolerated,” she said.
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