Murray Bridge police volunteer awarded for 100 hours of service

Jill Wood has been recognised for her hard work and dedicated volunteering.

Murray Bridge police volunteer awarded for 100 hours of service
Jill Woods, second from left, happily accepts her certificate of appreciation. Photo: SAPOL

Murray Bridge police volunteer Jill Wood has been awarded a certificate of appreciation during National Volunteer Week for completing 100 hours of voluntary work.

As well as her invaluable work as an administrative support officer, Ms Wood also devotes some of her spare time conducting volunteering roles.

This includes service with Murray Bridge Blue Light and a variety of role-playing scenarios at the Police Academy.

The Blue Light program provides young people with entertainment and activities in a safe environment.

Volunteers assist with supervision and other activities at discos, camps and approved Blue Light programs.

SA Police said the certificate was a testament to Ms Woods’ hard work and community focus.

This year’s National Volunteer Week 2024 theme was “something for everyone”.

The theme embraces volunteer possibilities and the impacts that emerge when everyone finds their meaningful role in making a difference,

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