Eden Academy files plans for childcare centre on Mannum Road
The national provider plans to have a new centre with capacity for 118 children built in Murray Bridge, across from North School and St Joseph’s.

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Childcare places might be hard to find in Murray Bridge at the moment, but more are on their way.
A developer has filed plans for a 118-place childcare centre on Mannum Road, directly across from both St Joseph’s School and Murray Bridge North School.
If approved, the centre would include seven play rooms, with children grouped by age, plus a reception area, staff rooms, kitchen, laundry and bathrooms.
It would become part of the Eden Academy family of 22 childcare facilities nationally, including seven in Adelaide.
Eden Academy markets itself as “going above and beyond” the national quality framework, with a focus on inclusivity, learning from nature, health and wellbeing, and locally sourced food.

One “representative building” would need to be demolished to make way for the childcare centre, according to the plans filed with the Murray Bridge council.
Representative buildings are not individually heritage listed, but do make up part of an historic precinct – in this case, a row of early 20th century houses along Mannum Road.
Another old home would be repurposed as part of the centre.
A third would remain in private hands, but much of its backyard would become part of the new development.
A heritage consultant argued that the building to be demolished – a group of units at 46-48 Mannum Road – no longer had much heritage value as it had been heavily modified since starting its life as two separate cottages.
The trees currently standing out the front of the site, on Mannum Road and Florence Street, would remain.

The Murray Bridge council’s assessment panel will decide whether the development should go ahead.
Members of the public can have their say about the proposal up until next Wednesday, October 18.
- More information: Visit plan.sa.gov.au, call the Rural City of Murray Bridge on 8539 1100 or email planning@murraybridge.sa.gov.au.
- Have your say: Fill in the form at plan.sa.gov.au or email planning@murraybridge.sa.gov.au before 11.59pm next Wednesday, October 18.
Demand for childcare remains strong
Meanwhile, there have been other developments in the childcare space since Murray Bridge News shone a spotlight on the lack of places available locally back in February.
Murray Bridge North School OSHC won approval several months ago to make 20 extra places available there.
A new centre with capacity for up to 120 children remains part of the plan for the Newbridge housing development, too, despite the sale of the land around it for a $100 million retirement community.
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