Work starts on Wellington East Reserve facelift

A park at the marina is finally getting a $449,000 makeover thanks to a grant from the federal Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program.

Work starts on Wellington East Reserve facelift
Works on an upgrade of Wellington East Reserve is just beginning. Photo: Coorong District Council.

New toilets and barbecues are being installed as part of a $449,000 park upgrade on Wellington’s east side.

Work is just starting at Wellington East Reserve, almost two years after federal funding for the project was first announced.

As well as the toilets and barbecues, a first stage of works will include shelters, benches, planter boxes, a bike rack, a path, lawned areas and landscaping.

A pontoon had already been installed to start the refurbishment.

Later stages of work – included in early concept designs but not yet funded – might include a nature play space, public art or a short loop walk featuring river views and local bush tucker.

The first stage of work at Wellington East will focus on an area around the boat ramp. Click for more detail. Image: Coorong District Council.

Coorong Mayor Paul Simmons said the works would transform the reserve into a more appealing place for locals and tourists to spend time.

Wellington East was quickly becoming one of the district’s most desirable addresses, he said, with its laid-back lifestyle and easy access to river recreation and the Pangarinda Botanic Garden.

Federal MP Tony Pasin welcomed the opportunity to spend money from the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program in the area.

“It’s projects like these that transform communities, and help ensure our productive and vibrant rural communities remain great places to live, work and raise a family,” he said.

“(The) Wellington East Reserve upgrade will breathe new life into the heart of the town.”

The current stage of works will be finished by June.

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