Students explore the universe at Murray Bridge Town Hall

Step inside this inflatable dome and see the wonders of the cosmos thanks to Soroptimist International Murray Bridge.

Students explore the universe at Murray Bridge Town Hall
Sciworld team members invite students to learn about the wonders of the universe inside an inflatable dome at Murray Bridge Town Hall. Photo: Fusi Kalauta.

More than 250 school students have explored the universe without ever leaving the Murraylands thanks to a Soroptimist International program.

Year three students from 10 schools came to Murray Bridge Town Hall last Tuesday for a visit to a mobile planetarium.

Inside, they learned about light pollution, the River Murray Dark Sky Reserve, the Earth’s place in the solar system, Indigenous astronomy and more.

Each student took home a small model of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

The excursion was a project of the Murray Bridge branch of service club Soroptimist International, with support from the Murray Bridge council.

In previous years the Soroptimists had given students an opportunity to attend a science magic show.

Students involved this year came from four of Murray Bridge’s six primary schools, plus Mannum, Mypolonga, Callington, Jervois, Coomandook and Raukkan.

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