School presentation shows science at its fiery, icy best

For the third year running, Soroptimist International Murray Bridge has invited hundreds of students to a free Sciworld show.

School presentation shows science at its fiery, icy best
A Sciworld presenter demonstrates the magic of science for an audience of schoolchildren. Photo: Carol Bath.

Want to get schoolkids interested in STEM careers: science, technology, engineering and maths?

Set some stuff on fire or freeze it to absolute zero.

That was the philosophy behind a series of Sciworld shows for primary school-aged children at Murray Bridge Town Hall last Wednesday.

A total of 283 students came from 10 schools, including groups from as far away as Mannum and Cambrai.

Each took home a pot of slime they made themselves.

The annual event was organised by service club Soroptimist International Murray Bridge.

Soroptimist Carol Bath said the presenters had been energetic and full of fun, keeping students entertained while asking them to think about how and why things were happening.

Students listen intently to a presentation at Murray Bridge Town Hall last Wednesday. Photo: Carol Bath.

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