Reply to Tony Pasin ..........it is too,too,too late to call for unity!. How do we expect to be united when both major parties are not on the same page With a very significant issue like a referendum especially invloving our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders it would appear absolutely critical that there is bi partisan support to reach the desired outcome and possibly save a lot of tax payer money along the way.

You mentioned the Australian public is probably over the referendum but I am positive that Our First Nations people will have OCT 14 seared in their memory bank of lost opportunities for their lifetime ..2 Books to read'Henry Reynold's 'Forgotten War' & 'Why Were n't We Told' Annette Korzeba

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I felt sad when the NO vote came in. Sad for the long process of Division still in our Community, the healing process started in 2015 and still is unresolved. Why do we still not want our Aboriginals to have a say in what should be done to them by us? Shame, is my feeling on this missed issue. Respectfully, G R Korzeba

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From what I hear a lot of people were worried about the impact on taxpayers without thinking longer term. I think the result was very mean-spirited.

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As I see it, the problem was that put the question as one instead of two. I consider there should have been 2 questions -

1. Do you think that Aboriginal Australians should be recognized in our constitution?

2. Do want Aboriginals to have a direct voice to Parliament?

I suspect that most people would agree that it should be recognized that our English ancestors didn't arrive in an uninhabited country.

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That sounds quite reasonable, Joy. Question two might still have been defeated, but at least some progress would have been made.

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