Free native plants to be given away to Murray Bridge residents
The Murray Bridge council will give away more than 3000 seedlings to local residents on April 28, 2024.

Have you been thinking of planting more native species in your garden, but haven’t got around to it?
Here’s your opportunity.
The Murray Bridge council will give away more than 3000 native seedlings to local residents at its Brinkley nursery on April 28.
Those blocks of up to 500 square metres will be able to take up to five seedlings, while those with larger blocks can take up to 10.
Residents will need to bring proof of their address in the Murray Bridge council district.
The giveaway will run from 9am until 2pm, or whenever stocks run out; and will be accompanied by a market day at the Brinkley Reuse Centre.
Community biodiversity officer Tracey Rathjen said volunteers had spent the past year collecting seeds and cuttings locally, waiting for them to sprout and nurturing them.
“Most of the plants on offer are native to our region,” she said.
“Planting natives is a great way to save on water costs and encourage native insects, bees, butterflies and birds to your garden while doing your bit to preserve … biodiversity.”
This will be the third time the council has run a similar giveaway following a suggestion by Councillor Karen Eckermann in 2022.
It gave away 1000 seedlings in August of that year, then more than 3000 in May 2023.
The giveaway is one small part of a broader council plan to deal with climate change.
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