Native plant give-away begins in Murray Bridge

More than 1000 native plants are available, with each resident being entitled to up to 20 each.

Native plant give-away begins in Murray Bridge
Council community biodiversity officer Glenn Dean at the community nursery. Photo: Jennifer Smith/Rural City of Murray Bridge.

The Murray Bridge council has begun giving away free native plants to residents of the district.

With around 1000 plants up for grabs, residents can collect between five and 20 each, depending on the size of their property.

The native plants have been propagated at the council’s community nursery at the Brinkley Reuse Centre, with the help of council volunteers.

“Our aim with the plant giveaway program is to continue to grow our green response to climate change,” Mayor Brenton Lewis said.

“It’s part of our strategy to make the Rural City of Murray Bridge cooler and greener and  to support our local biodiversity.

“In addition to our plant giveaway program we will be planting more trees on council land and across the region.”

John Smith and Kym Toogood with some of the seedlings they have at the community nursery at Brinkley Reuse Centre. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

Native plants generally require less water than exotic species, are low maintenance and provide a reliable food source and valuable habitat for native wildlife - a win for your hip-pocket and the environment.

To get your green-thumbs on these freebies, you can either visit the council website to download an order form or by pick up an order form from the Local Government Centre or at Brinkley  Reuse Centre.

As Murray Bridge News reported last month, the program will cost the council less than $1000.

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