Elsie Johnson named SA Country Shows young rural ambassador for 2024
The young women from Peake, representing Murray Bridge Show, has been awarded for her dedication and passion for her community.

Elsie Johnson has been named South Australia’s Young Rural Ambassador for 2024.
She was selected for her contribution to the community and her dedication to agricultural shows.
Elsie comes from Peake, a small town in the Murray Mallee region.
Representing the Murray Bridge Show, Elsie received the award at the SA Country Shows Youth Presentation Night on Friday night.
“I feel very fortunate to be awarded the title... all the 2024 State finalists would be worthy recipients of this award,” she said.
Elsie is completing Year 12 at Walford Anglican School and aspires to undertake an Agricultural Science degree with elements of marketing and business.
She participates in dance and is completing a Certificate 4 in Dance Teaching and Studio Management.
Elsie volunteers weekly in the school OSHC program, connecting with the younger students.
She enjoys attending country shows, entering cookery and participating in young judges and paraders competitions including sheep and poultry.
Elsie said it was inspiring to meet like-minded people associated with country shows that will ensure their future success.
“I look forward to these next twelve months of building my networks across many SA Country Shows,” she said.
Matilda Baumgurtel, from the Murray Lands was runner-up, recognised for her art and baking entries at local shows.
Clare Scriven, Minister for primary industries and regional development said young people are the future of agricultural industries and a core part of our regions.
“I congratulate Elsie Johnson and Matilda Baumgurtel on her achievements along with all the finalists of this year’s award and look forward to seeing them continue their bright path,” she said.
Elsie said she looked forward to seeing people at this year’s Murray Bridge Show, to be held on September 28-29.
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