What's on this week: October 30-November 5, 2020

A pool party, a running festival, Halloween festivities and much more.

What's on this week: October 30-November 5, 2020

We reported it last week, but it bears repeating: there will be one heck of a pool party at Murray Bridge Swimming Centre tomorrow afternoon.

Entry will be free, and the council will throw in a barbecue dinner and dessert as well.

Visitors will be able to see what $2.8 million has bought, including better change rooms, shaded kids’ pools, an access ramp on the main pool and new edges, linings, pumps and pipes.

Keep your eyes out, too, for live entertainment by various musical prodigies from The Station.

The forecast is not for ideal swimming weather – 20 degrees and showers easing, at the time of writing – but if you have kids who have been passing that fence every week, waiting to see what lies beyond, you know that won't stop them.


Swimming centre grand opening: 3.30-late at Murray Bridge Swimming Centre. Free entry and waterslides, free barbecue and ice cream, live entertainment, renovations completed including access ramp.


Halloween: Visit www.facebook.com for a list of addresses where trick-or-treaters will be welcomed in Murray Bridge.

Swap meet: 10am-3pm at Meningie Museum. More than 20 stalls including car parts, baked goods, blacksmithing, wood turning, food and art, in association with Vintage and Classic Caravan Group of SA meet at Lake Albert Caravan Park.

Murray Bridge Marathon Festival: 2.30-7pm at Murray Bridge Town Hall. Pick-up of bibs and merchandise for Sunday's marathon, sponsor showcase; dinner and short movie festival for registered athletes to follow.

Halloween trick or treat photo booth: 4-8pm at Bridge Trophies, 58 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge. Best spooky dressed competitions in four age groups.


Murray Bridge Marathon Festival: 6.45am-2pm at Sturt Reserve. Main race start at 7.45am, with shorter distances to follow; kids' entertainment; coffee; refreshments. Registrations now closed.

Mannum Riverside Markets: 9am-2.30pm at Arnold Park. Food, artisans, plants, produce, coffee, live music, riverboat cruises for purchase and more. Entry: gold coin donation.

Josh Morphett: 12.30-4.30pm at the Pretoria Hotel, Mannum. Acoustic tunes.

Christopher Pope silo art projection: After sunset November 1-30 at Karoonda Silos.


Melbourne Cup lunch: 11am-6pm at Murray Bridge Racing Club. Watch the races from Flemington on a big screen, sweepstakes, raffles, best fascinator and best socks competitions, no on-course betting available. Book: www.theracessa.com.au.

Have we missed anything?

Let Murray Bridge News know about an upcoming event by emailing murraybridgenews@gmail.com.

Events will typically be listed if they are free to attend, raising funds for a charitable cause, occupying a public place, or if the organisers have advertised with Murray Bridge News.

For-profit events may be listed at Murray Bridge News’ discretion.

Event listings are sourced from local councils, Facebook, Ticketbooth, tourist attractions’ websites and other sources.

Photos: Rural City of Murray Bridge, Lake Albert Caravan Park/Facebook, Murraylands Multisports.