What's on this week: October 23-29, 2020

An Army Cadets open night, live music and more.

What's on this week: October 23-29, 2020

It’ll be a first for Murray Bridge’s 45 Army Cadet Unit next Tuesday night.

The unit will host an open night at its Caroline Street premises for young people who might be interested in the Australian Defence Force, or just in meeting people and picking up new skills.

If that sounds like you, and you’re aged 12 to 17, head along or check out the unit’s Facebook page.


Live at the Sound Shell: CANCELLED.


Rodrigo Soafer: 12.30-4.30pm at the Pretoria Hotel, Mannum. Live acoustic tunes.


45 Army Cadet Unit open night: 7-9pm at 19-29 Caroline Street, Murray Bridge. Learn about the Australian Defence Force and experience what being a cadet is all about, for ages 12-17.


Alternative opportunities and diversification: 5.30-8.30pm at Wynarka Clubrooms. Decision-making tips and tools to analyse your farm business with James Hillcoat and Rebekah Starick. RSVP by October 23: 0478 123 542 or tammy.o@dckem.sa.gov.au.


Emma: 5.30pm at Murray Bridge Library. Thursday night movie about a young woman who occupies herself with matchmaking in Regency-era England. Bookings essential: 8539 1175 or library@murraybridge.sa.gov.au.

Have we missed anything?

Let Murray Bridge News know about an upcoming event by emailing murraybridgenews@gmail.com.

Events will typically be listed if they are free to attend, raising funds for a charitable cause, occupying a public place, or if the organisers have advertised with Murray Bridge News.

For-profit events may be listed at Murray Bridge News’ discretion.

Event listings come from local councils, Facebook, Ticketbooth, tourist attractions’ websites and other sources.

Photos: Penny Heighes via The Station/Facebook, 45 Army Cadets Murray Bridge/Facebook.