What's on this week: October 2-8, 2020
Get set for theatre in the Bridge, food at Meningie and holiday activities all over.

If it’s family entertainment you need this school holidays, you’ll find a few ideas below.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Nature crafts: From 9.30am daily during school holidays at Monarto Safari Park. Visit the animals on the nature crafts adventure trail, collecting items as you go. Included with park entry: $38/27/21 at www.monartosafari.com.au/tickets.
Murray Bridge Bullets junior basketball competition: 9am-5pm Saturday-Monday at Murray Bridge Showground; Unity College, Murray Bridge; and Tailem Bend Primary School. Local representative teams compete against clubs from all over South Australia. More information: websites.sportstg.com.

Bumming with Jane: 2.30pm at The Station, Murray Bridge. Play inspired by the poetry of Charles Bukowski and the modern Australian city, presented by Hannah Catherine Productions; 7.30pm session sold out. Tickets: Donation to Teen Challenge Murray Bridge at https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=652935.
Roll Racing Adelaide: 5.30-11pm at The Bend Motorsport Park.

Marque Sports Car Association super sprint: 7.30am-5pm at The Bend Motorsport Park. Drivers of all levels perfect their high-performance skills; free for spectators.
Mannum Riverside Markets: CANCELLED.
Murray Bridge Bullets junior basketball competition: See Saturday.
Lakeside Gourmet at the Park: 11am-6pm at Lake Albert Caravan Park, Meningie. Food, drinks, live music, op shop fashion theme.
Andy Easthope: 12.30-4.30pm at the Pretoria Hotel, Mannum. Live acoustic tunes.
The Cadillacs: From 12.30pm at the Palmer Hotel. Rockabilly, rock'n'roll and retro entertainment in the beer garden.
Murray Bridge Bullets junior basketball competition: See Saturday.
Girls Just Want to Have a Blast: 9am-12pm Tuesday-Wednesday at Johnstone Park, Murray Bridge. Cricket and netball skill and game-based holiday program for girls aged 8-13. Register: $30 at www.playcricket.com.au.
Ocean animal craft: 10am at Murray Bridge Library. School holiday activity for children aged 5-12. Book: Call 8539 1175 or speak to library staff.
Build a bear: 10am-3.15pm Tuesday-Thursday at Murray Bridge Marketplace. Bring your new furry friend to life, clothing and accessories available for purchase. Register: $8 at www.buildabear.com.au.

Formation of Murray Bridge Cycling Club: 7.30pm at White Park Community Clubrooms, corner of Mulgundawah Road and Gladstone Street. Phil Rosewall will chair the meeting and Cycling SA’s Lachie Ambrose will attend. RSVP: docs.google.com.
Girls Just Want to Have a Blast: See Tuesday.
Build a bear: See Tuesday.
Paul Rutter drawing workshops: 10am, 11am, 1pm and 2pm at Murray Bridge Library. School holiday activity. Book: Call 8539 1175 or speak to staff.
Languages Alive: 10am-3.15pm at Mypolonga Primary School. Experience the delights of other languages and cultures, including Arabic, Auslan, Chinese, French, Italian, Nepali and Spanish; for children in years R-7. Register: $10 at www.ticketebo.com.au.
Build a bear: See Tuesday.
Have we missed anything?
Let Murray Bridge News know about an upcoming event by emailing murraybridgenews@gmail.com.
Events will typically be listed if they are free to attend, raising funds for a charitable cause, occupying a public place, or if the organisers have advertised with Murray Bridge News.
For-profit events may be listed at Murray Bridge News’ discretion.
Event listings come from local councils, Facebook, Ticketbooth, the websites of Monarto Safari Park and The Bend Motorsport Park and other sources.
Update: This story has been updated after the cancellation of the Mannum Riverside Markets. Photos: Murray Bridge Library/Facebook, Peri Strathearn, Marque Sports Car Association of SA/Facebook, Murraylands Multisports Inc/Facebook.