What's on this week: August 14-20
Find out about the SA road cycling championships, a Simon and Garfunkel show, a forum on regional disadvantage and more.

The South Australian road cycling championships will be held at Mypolonga this weekend, one of the first events to return to the Murraylands in the wake of COVID-19’s first wave.
A “massive” number of riders have registered for the cycling meet, which will include elite, junior, senior and masters racing throughout Saturday, and junior time trials and para-cycling on Sunday.
Racing will be on a closed circuit starting and ending in the town centre, a measure Cycling SA chief executive officer Lachie Ambrose said was important for rider safety.
See below for details on that and all the other events happening in our region over the next week.
Saturday, August 15
River Murray Football League: Imperials v Mannum at Johnstone Park, Murray Bridge; Ramblers v Jervois at Le Messurier Oval, Murray Bridge; Mypolonga v Tailem Bend at Mypolonga Oval.
Federation Ultra Trail: From 5.45am between Rockleigh and Murray Bridge. Runners will travel up to 100 kilometres along the Lavender Federation Trail, finishing at Sturt Reserve at night. Entries closed. More information: www.mmievents.com.au.
Cycling SA State Road Championships: From 9am at Mypolonga. Cycle racing in juniors, seniors and masters categories around a 9.8-kilometre circuit with start and finish lines in the town centre. More information: cycling.org.au.
VP Day: 11am-12pm at Monument Corner, Mannum. Celebrate the 75th anniversary of victory in the Pacific with Mannum’s World War II veterans. More information: www.facebook.com.
Sunday, August 16
Cycling SA Mypolonga Time Trial: 9am-lunch time at Mypolonga. Junior time trial championships and a round of the National Para-Cycling Series along a 16.4-kilometre stretch of South Bokara and North Bokara Roads. More information: cycling.org.au.
Vietnam Veterans Day: 10.30am for 11 at Murray Bridge RSL. Small ceremony with light midday meal and visit to Sturt Reserve war memorial construction site to follow. RSVP for catering purposes: 8532 1314.

Tuesday, August 18
Regional disadvantage: 6pm for 6.30 at Murray Bridge Uniting Church. Public forum with SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley, pictured, and Salvation Army financial counsellor Janet Emmins, presented by Murray Bridge Interchurch Council. Entry by gold coin donation, bookings essential: trybooking.com/BKAQD.
Coorong District Council meeting: 6pm at the Coorong council office, Tailem Bend. More information: www.coorong.sa.gov.au.
Murray Bridge CFS recruitment evening: 8-9pm at Murray Bridge CFS. If you live within six minutes’ drive of the Thomas Street station, want to learn new skills, meet people and make a difference in your community, come and have a chat. More information: www.facebook.com.

Thursday, August 20
Feelin’ Groovy: the Songs of Simon and Garfunkel: 11am and 2pm at Murray Bridge Town Hall. Harry Baulderstone and Marcus Ryan, pictured, pay homage to the legendary folk duo. Pre-purchased tickets essential: $20 at events.ticketbooth.com.au or Murray Bridge Regional Gallery.
Judy: 5.30pm at Murray Bridge Library. Thursday night movie about actress and singer Judy Garland. Bookings essential: 8539 1175.
Have we missed anything?
Let Murray Bridge News know about an upcoming event by emailing murraybridgenews@gmail.com.
Events will typically be listed if they are free to attend, raising funds for a charitable cause, occupying a public place, or if the organisers have advertised with Murray Bridge News.
For-profit events may be listed at Murray Bridge News’ discretion.
Photos: Cycling SA, SA Council of Social Service, Murray Bridge Town Hall/Facebook.