What do you want out of today’s state budget?

Rather than asking the politicians what they can do for us, Murray Bridge News asks you: what do you need right now?

What do you want out of today’s state budget?
Stephen Mullighan, pictured with his family, will hand down the South Australian government’s budget for 2024-25 on Thursday. Photo: Stephen Mullighan MP/Facebook.

State Treasurer Stephen Mullighan will today hand down the South Australian government’s budget for 2024-25.

Rather than participate in the annual budget lock-up this year, however, Murray Bridge News wants to hear from you.

What do you and your family most want out of today’s budget?

Have your say and we’ll dig through the budget papers after they are published on Thursday afternoon, then update this story.

Leave any questions in the comments below and we may get an opportunity to ask them of the Treasurer, or other government representatives, next week.

Ask almost any local, though, and they’ll tell you times are fairly tough at the moment.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics backs up the sentiment.

South Australian households’ disposable income fell by 6.8 per cent in real terms, more than any other state, during the last financial year.

The cost of housing, in particular, rose more quickly than people’s wages in the 12 months to this March – and more than 6000 people in the Murray Bridge district depend on government pensions and payments, not wages.

So: what should the state government do to make your life easier?

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