Unity College graduate Lachlan Thomas wins Soroptimist scholarship
The Uni SA student has been awarded $2000 by a Murray Bridge service club to help him pursue his dream of becoming a role model for schoolkids.
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A Unity College graduate has been named the recipient of a $2000 scholarship from Soroptimist International Murray Bridge.
Lachlan Thomas grew up on a farm at Malinong, has played football with Sturt’s reserves and is studying to become a teacher.
More than that, though, he hopes to become a role model for the kids he’ll teach.
“I’ve seen how much a good teacher that actually cares, how much impact they can have on a student’s life,” he said.
“They see them almost more than their parents in those middle school years, and if it’s done right, they can have a really good impact.”
He had benefited from positive male role models during his years at Unity, he said – “it’s a good school” – and he hoped to have the same influence on future generations of students.
“What I’m most passionate about is ... seeing students develop into good people,” he said.
His love of serving others began at Tailem Bend Football Club, where his parents had always put their hands up to volunteer.
It “skyrocketed” over the course of three service trips to the tiny Pitjantjatjara community of Areyonga, west of Alice Springs.
Soroptimist Heather Bishop said Lachlan had stood out among five applicants for the scholarship, presented by the service club to a year 12 student from a school in the Murraylands each year.
“The committee was very impressed by his mature understanding of what he wants to achieve through his work in schools, over and beyond teaching,” she said.
“He blew us away with his quiet, confident determination and mature insights into how he can help others through his chosen vocation.”
Applications for the annual Soroptimist scholarship are typically made through year 12 coordinators towards the end of the school year.
- More information: www.facebook.com/simurraybridge.