This week in history: March 14, 1924
The Murray Cods win the right to go to Paris, a harvest festival is held at Caloote and an Irish priest is farewelled on St Patrick’s Day.

From the archives of the River Murray Advocate, March 14, 1924…
Murray Bridge Olympic rowing fund
Our Murray Bridge champion eight have won fame.
They are one step from the top of the ladder.
Your immediate financial assistance will give them the opportunity to reach the last step, namely the world’s champion rowing eight at the Olympic Games in July of this year.
You all know their past history; you must surely have confidence in their ability in the great fight to come.
Help us to make the name of our crew world famous by liberal contributions.
Large and small donations will be gratefully received by H.L. Binney, president, O.R. Dunstan, secretary, Murray Bridge Olympic Rowing Fund.
Harvest festival at Caloote
On Monday a harvest thanksgiving social was held at Caloote.
The building proved much too small for the large numbers who attended, and many were compelled to remain outside.
A good musical program was submitted, when items were given by the schoolchildren under the direction of Miss Warren; and by Mrs Hoffman; Misses Love, Reschke and Phillips; and Messrs Bolt, Williams, Withers, Masters, Hirn and Borchardt (x 2).
The various stalls were in the capable hands of Mrs Mangelsdorf and Watson, produce; Miss Warren, sweets; and Miss A. Pope, cool drinks and ice cream.
St Patrick’s Day
On Monday, Irishmen all over the world will congregate in great numbers to do honour to the patron saint of Ireland: St Patrick.
In the (Murray Bridge) Institute Hall a social and dance will be held, and the opportunity will be taken to bid au revoir to the Reverend Father E.L. O’Connell, who is leaving on the following Monday for a visit to his native land.
Father O’Connell has proven himself a good townsman and a strong advocate of the claims of the mallee lands, and wherever he has been he has made friends with every section of the community, and for that reason many will attend the gathering who are not of the church, but out of respect to one who has made himself respected wherever he has been located.
Business advertisements
- Lost: Pair trousers in canvas kit bag between Ambleside and Murray Bridge. Apply to B.O. Schubert, White Hill, Murray Bridge.
- Save petrol: By having Stromburg carburettors fitted to your car. Save oil by having your existing pistons altered to keep oil from getting on cylinder heads and depositing carbon, fouling plugs etc. Caldwell Bros, engineers, opposite railway station, Murray Bridge. Phone 111. We stock tyres, oil, petrol, magnetos and other accessories at keen prices.
- We want: Sheep, rabbit, kangaroo and all other kinds of skins. Also wattle gum, horsehair, beeswax, tallow etc in any quantity. Highest cash prices. Prompt return. No deductions for commission. Wm Haughton and Co, Currie Street, Adelaide.
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