This week in history: January 16, 1925
A Catholic school is established in Murray Bridge, wireless pictures are transmitted between countries and Murray Bridge's racing club secretary retires.

From the archives of the River Murray Advocate, January 16, 1925...
Roman Catholic convent
On Sunday, January 25, His Grace the Archbishop of Adelaide will open the convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Murray Bridge, opposite the Roman Catholic Church.
The establishment of a convent school would considerably enhance the educational facilities of the district, and quite apart from any religious aspect, will mark an important step onward in the progressive development of Murray Bridge.
The Catholic community feel assured that in this great undertaking they will meet with the hearty co-operation of the majority of the people in the town and around it.
Pictures by wire and wireless: wonderful possibilities foreshadowed
The transmission of photographs by means of electric wire has for many years been a more or less practicable proposition but recently a coloured photograph was "telephoned" from Chicago to New York in one hour.
The startling developments continue to progress with the wireless transmission of pictures from London to New York.
General Harbord, president of the Radio Corporation of America, said today they have prominent portraits of the people of England.
"Tomorrow we may expect to see a column of reading matter, or for that matter, an entire page transmitted through space in the same wireless way."
The system is briefly as follows.
A small ordinary photographic film, about half plate size, is placed on a glass drum.
Inside the drum is a bright light, and an electric circuit is affected by the light shining through the film onto a photographic cell.
As the drum revolves the light acts successively on different portions of the film.
By this means the ordinary wireless telegraphic circuit is operated, and an illustration can be reproduced at the distant station within a few minutes.
At the other end the signals operate a pen, and line by line, the photograph is reproduced in wavy lines and dots.
Murray Bridge racing club
They commenced the year with a debit balance of £1802, and after meeting all expenses in connection with two meetings and spending £173 on maintenance of the course, new training track, extra stalls, and paying £111 in interest, we succeeded in reducing the overdraft to £1547.
Since the establishment of the new training track several trainers have availed themselves of the opportunity to use the course for training purposes, and we hope that the club's action in putting down the track will continue to be appreciated by those trainers who live in the district.
Mr W.A. Piper has tendered his resignation as a joint secretary of the club, and the committee recommend that he be made a life member in recognition of his past services.
- Murray Bridge Estate: A choice sub-division. A number of splendid allotments still available in this estate. The land is well situated. The blocks are a convenient size. The terms are made to suit everyone. Note: £5 deposit, balance, £1 per month plus six percent interest. Secure an allotment in the premier river town. Clients motored to inspect. Terms and conditions on application to M.W. Parish, auctioneer and licensed land broker, Bridge Street.
- South Australian Railways: Loading and unloading coal, coke and firewood at Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend. Offers will be received by the Divisional Superintendent, Murray Bridge, up till noon on Wednesday, January 21, 1925, for the above work covering a period commencing on February 1, 1925, to January 31, 1926, and thereafter contract to be subject to determination on one calendar month's notice by either party. Full particulars may be obtained upon application to the Railway Superintendent, Murray Bridge. C.J. Boykett, Secretary Railways Commissioner.
- Male Bros, Murray Bridge and Karoonda: We undertake all classes of agricultural and general engineering, blacksmithing, wheelwrighting, and oxy-welding. No job too large nor yet, too small. Stocks of bolts, plough and cultivator shares and duplicate parts for all implements. Spring drays and buggies for instant delivery. We solicit enquiries.
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