This week in history: February 29, 1924
A foundation stone is laid at Tailem Bend’s Catholic church, the Murray Bridge council holds its first meeting and preparations begin for an Olympic qualifier.

From the pages of the River Murray Advocate, February 29, 1924…
Tailem Bend Roman Catholic Church foundation stone laid
A very pretty and impressive ceremony was performed at Tailem Bend by Monsignor P. Hurley, V.G., when the foundation stone of the new Roman Catholic Church of St Columbkille was laid.
The Monsignor was assisted by the Reverend Father O’Connell, who gave a short history of the progress of the church.
The building, when completed, will be 40 feet long and 25ft six inches wide, with a porch 9ft by 9ft.
The height will be 35ft to the top of the cross, and the building will seat approximately 100 people.
The front will be of Murray Bridge freestone, and the the side walls of local stone.
Murray Bridge Municipal Council
The first formal meeting of the recently formed Murray Bridge Municipal Council was held in the council chamber on Monday, February 25, when there were present the Mayor – M.W. Parish – and Councillors Homburg, Bell, Porteous, Mangelsdorf, Hannaford, Scott, Binney and Watts.
The Mayor said that if they were to assume that they were starting off without funds, it would mean the immediate opening of an account at the bank.
In that case they would need a clerk or an acting clerk to sign cheques and operate on the bank.
Cr Homburg thought that a temporary clerk could be obtained in the town, and suggested Mr Pugh as being the only man who could give them the estimate they required.
Cr Binney moved that Mr Pugh be approached.
Olympic rowing test
On March 8 the Port Adelaide River will be the scene of the test race which will determine which crew shall represent Australia at the Olympic Games.
Four crews will participate.
South Australia will be represented by the Murray Bridge crew, Tasmania by the Old Launceston crew, Victoria by the Melbourne club, and Western Australia is the fourth competitor.
The course will be a mile and a quarter in length, and a start will be made from a point near Mutton Cove, and the finishing point is opposite the quarantine station.
The Railways Department is running a special train from Murray Bridge to enable residents to attend the test race.
Business advertisements
- Lutheran (Christ Church) Murray Bridge: Wednesday, March 5 at 8pm, lantern lecture by Mr A. Heinrich, Finke Mission.
- Murray Bridge Retail Traders Association: The general public are notified that the stores in Murray Bridge controlled by members of the association will close at 10.30am on Saturday, March 8 to enable assistance to avail themselves of the opportunity to attend the test race at Port Adelaide.
- Wanted to buy: Practice piano, please state particulars and price to Box 111, Murray Bridge.
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