This week in history: December 12, 1924

Two local students earn School of Mines scholarships, Mypolonga's Methodists hold a fete and the Murray Bridge corporation campaigns for a court house.

This week in history: December 12, 1924
The School of Mines and Industries on North Terrace, Adelaide, to which two Murray Bridge students won scholarships 100 years ago this week. Photo: State Library of South Australia (PRG 280/1/15/125).

From the archives of the River Murray Advocate, December 12, 1924...

Murray Bridge High School

The school has just received news of the School of Mines scholarships won by two of our students.

Keith Farrant has won the country studentship of the School of Mines, a valuable scholarship that will entitle him to four years’ training and allowance of £40 per year.

Phillip Ridgeway has gained an entrance scholarship, which will entitle him to a year’s training.

Both lads have been keen workers, and their future progress will be looked forward to with interest.


To raise funds for the Methodist Church, a very successful strawberry fete and bazaar was held here last Saturday.

Owing to cows having to be milked, the opening ceremony was not until 6pm.

This was performed by the minister, Reverend Pryor, and from then onward until after 11pm, brisk business was done at the various stalls and over ÂŁ30 was realised.

Murray Bridge corporation

The fortnightly meeting of the Murray Bridge corporation was held in the council chamber on Monday, December 1, when there were present the Mayor, Mr M.W. Parish; Crs Bell, Binney, Watts, Porteous and Hannaford; and the clerk, Mr P.W. Annells.

The mayor reported that in Parliament it was suggested that no court house would be built for Murray Bridge, and that the court would in all probability make arrangements with some public body for the necessary court room.

On the motion of Cr Bell, seconded by Cr Watts, it was resolved that the Attorney-General be invited to Murray Bridge to go into the matter with the corporation.


  • Caldwell Bros, Murray Bridge: No need to hesitate any longer about buying that car you have promised yourself so long; in fact, it is unwise to delay placing your order, as there is going to be a big rush before Christmas. The new superior Chevrolet, completely equipped with a speedometer, spare rim etc, for ÂŁ240, is wonderful value for a real car. Come and talk it over with us.
  • Cash store, Murray Bridge: The shops are full of good things suitable for Christmas presents: tricycles, flivvers, dolls, balls, barrows, sets of tools, school bags, jumping monkeys, toy tea sets, tennis racquets, bats. Stainless knives, forks, spoons, salad sets, tea sets, aluminium kettles, saucepans, steamers, teapots, billies and preserving pans. Glass tumblers 6d, 7d and 9d; water jugs, cups and saucers 9½d, 11d, 11½d and 1/4½; tea and dinner plates. Fancy boxed handkerchiefs, handbags, fibre cases in all sizes, hosiery, gloves, pocket books, wallets, perfume and many other lines at Baron’s, Murray Bridge.
  • Strayed: From Swanport, about November 19, brindle cow with turned-down horns, and yellow and white heifer with turned-up horns. Will finder please communicate with P. Ross, Swanport. Reward.
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