This week in history: April 11, 1924

The Lyric Theatre opens, Murray Bridge Horticultural Society encourages flower-growing and the 1924 state election is decided.

This week in history: April 11, 1924
The Lyric Theatre, pictured almost a decade later, opened on April 16, 1924. Photo: State Library of South Australia (B 8927).

From the pages of the River Murray Advocate, April 11, 1924… This story is now free to read. Help us tell more stories like this by subscribing today.

The Lyric Theatre

The Lyric Theatre at Murray Bridge is to be opened by His Worship the Mayor of Murray Bridge, Mr M.W. Parish, on Wednesday evening next.

A first-class program has been secured.

Music will be supplied by an orchestra of leading Adelaide musicians under Miss L. Webb.

Floriculture in Murray Bridge

The Murray Bridge Horticultural Society, of which Mr J. Homburg is the capable secretary, has done an immense amount of good work in encouraging householders to improve their garden plots by the cultivation of flowers, and largely as a result of the existence of the society the Agricultural Society has been enabled.

Among the most enthusiastic flower growers in the town are Mesdames Homburg, Macquarie, C.A. Male, A.R. Hilton, W.C. Sharrad, E. Rosenhein and, outside the town, Mrs Hugh Patterson of Long Flat and Mrs J.B. Sanders of Swanport.

In addition to the great improvement made to residents’ gardens by the cultivation of flowers, there is another aspect viz. that of the prize money, which, though not much in itself, is an item which the working housewife can appreciate.

At the show one lady obtained 24/-.

The election at Murray Bridge

Saturday last passed off without any untoward incident in connection with the election.

Both Mr E.J. Shepherdson, secretary of the Labour Party, and Mr Ern Nelson, chief of the Liberal Federation, were live men on the day, and well and ably supported by their respective presidents and committee.

On going to press, Messrs F. Stanniford (Labour) and H.D. Young (Liberal) were sure of election.

The third place was in doubt, the Labour candidate, Mr Clem Collins, leading Mr J.B. Randell by 10 votes.

Business advertisements

  • Lyric Theatre: Opening night Wednesday, April 16. Wesley Barry in The Country Kid, Gloria Swansson in Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife, David Lyle (tenor) will appear on the opening night, orchestra of Adelaide’s leading musicians under Miss L. Webb.
  • Public notice: Mr O. Sweet, proprietor of the Rundle Drapers, situated at the premises lately occupied by Mr Wood, dentist, opposite Institute, next door to Beckwith’s, last week in Murray Bridge. Don’t miss your chance of securing cheap drapery in ladies’ and men’s wear.
  • River View Coffee Palace: Sixth Street, Murray Bridge, under the management of Mrs E. Bywaters. Fine large balconies 200 feet in extent, affording an unsurpassed view of the river; single and double bedrooms, well and neatly furnished; every modern convenience; hot, cold and shower baths. Excellent cuisine. Terms on application. Phone 120.
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