Third court at Imperials would help all River Murray netballers

The Imperial Netball Club hopes to secure $800,000 for a facilities upgrade at Murray Bridge's Johnstone Park.

Third court at Imperials would help all River Murray netballers
Sarah Smith and John DeMichele, back, join some of Imps' netballers at training on Thursday night. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

The Imperial Netball Club is a powerhouse in the River Murray association, bursting with players and volunteers, strong support from its sponsors and a shelf full of trophies.

But there’s one thing it doesn’t have: enough space.

With just two of the ageing courts at Murray Bridge’s Johnstone Park still useable for matches and training, the club is angling for funding that would give it a third.

Project leader Sarah Smith said the need was dire, and not just for the Blues girls who needed to train on two separate nights to fit everyone in.