Tailem Bend’s Wicker family find their niche in cut metal
Graham Edwards recounts a visit to local business Regional Profile Cutters.

This post was contributed by Graham Edwards and Brenda Cowie.

The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge’s traditional ladies’ day outing has taken place for 2023, with a visit to Regional Profile Cutters at Tailem Bend.
Twenty-three members departed their Johnstone Park clubrooms in assorted vehicles for a short drive to Tailem Bend, picking up another four members along the way.
On arrival at the Magpie Drive premises of RPC, members were greeted by the ladies of the family business in the main workshop area.
RPC was started by John Wicker and his daughter Katherine in 2011.
Mr Wicker had a strong history as a welder and boilermaker and was looking to expand his skills, hence his enlistment of his creative daughter to produce designs with computer technology.
Soon wife and mum Helen Wicker became involved in an administration role, while a special magnetised work table was installed and set up for son David to help with the brushing of steel sheet.
As the business grew, Julie Vogt came on board to help manage the shop.
Today RPC has become a household name throughout the state and beyond, attending local markets and shows to display their meticulous array of creations to the general public.
It was at this point of the tour, that the ACCMB group broke into a couple of smaller groups to make it easier and safer to visit the various areas of production.

The first group went into the cutting room to view a large sheet of metal being plasma cut into a specific decorative pattern.
The second group went into the all-important computer room where all the designs are produced.
Both the computer design and cutting rooms were met with much interest from members.
Then it was off into the store and outside areas to view the completed articles, with many products to see and purchase, made from steel, aluminium and galvanised iron, with some items finished in powder coating.
Before departing and with the tour complete, it was time for the members of the club to say a big thank you to the Wicker family and staff for their most enlightening and informative visit.
With stomachs beginning to rumble, it was off to the Riverside Hotel for lunch and some refreshments.

During lunch, ladies day organiser Brenda Cowie read out the answers to the usual quiz competition held during the run.
The winner’s name will be announced at the annual ACCMB trophy presentation night, to be held on June 17 at the Parklane Vietnamese restaurant on Sixth Street, Murray Bridge.
Details and a booking sheet will be available at the ACCMB’s June meeting, from 7.30pm at the Johnstone Park clubrooms; or on the ACCMB website.
- More information about Regional Profile Cutters: www.regionalprofilecutters.com.au.
More information about the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge:
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