🌊 Floods
Women of the LMRIA: Meet Murray Bridge’s Vicki Jones
She’s the passionate mother and farmer who was forced to give up her cows, but returned to help the next generation.
🌊 Floods
She’s the passionate mother and farmer who was forced to give up her cows, but returned to help the next generation.
🌊 Floods
She has a passion for music and traveling but she was always drawn back to the flats.
🌊 Floods
River Murray communities recovering from the 2022-23 major flood event will benefit from almost $25 million in shared support funding.
🌊 Floods
The works will return the flood-damaged sections of the Mypolonga, Pompoota, Long Flat and other levees to their pre-flood height.
She’s a Murray Bridge girl whose “very modest” upbringing and love of rural life have helped her make a home at Monteith – and endure the River Murray floods.
She’s the OT who fell in love with a footballer and farm boy. Together they’ve survived the floods and built a unique rural operation.
🌊 Floods
Failures by the Department for Environment and Water and a “completely inadequate” recovery plan have left South Australia behind the eight-ball, an inquiry has heard.
🌊 Floods
River Murray irrigators will get a chance to offer some constructive criticism to a parliamentary committee in person.
🌊 Floods
A key chapter in the story of the 2022-23 River Murray flood has drawn to a close.
🌊 Floods
Twelve months on from the peak of the River Murray flood, the state and federal governments have finally come up with a long-term plan to help irrigators.
🌊 Floods
Retired agricultural advisor Dale Manson highlights the plight of primary producers at Long Flat and up and down the river.
🌊 Floods
Farmers have savaged the state government over its handling of the 2022-23 River Murray floods, and delays to a parliamentary inquiry into the issue.