Solar farm planned near Jervois oval
The Creeks Pipeline Company hopes to make its pumping operation, supporting irrigators at Langhorne Creek, more sustainable.
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An irrigators’ consortium wants to build a solar farm just outside the township of Jervois.
The Creeks Pipeline Company, owned by more than 250 water licence holders at Langhorne Creek, already pumps water from Jervois to irrigate their vineyards and fields.
Now the company wants to make that operation more sustainable and affordable by building a solar farm and battery, worth almost $6.5 million, to power its pumps.
The site in their sights is on Hicks Road, near the corner of Jarvis Road and about 370 metres away from the Jervois oval at its closest point.
About 12,500 solar panels would be hidden behind a low ridge to the south; and gum trees, wattles and broombushes along all sides.
An underground power line would be laid between the solar farm and the company’s nearest pumping station, just across the main road.
At the end of the solar farm’s expected life span, about 25 to 30 years, either new equipment would be put in or the property would be returned to a rural state.
In their proposal, the company described the solar farm as relatively small and benign, and compatible with the surrounding farms and households.
Furthermore, they said, it would support farmers by providing more affordable water to irrigators.
A public consultation period on the proposal will close on Monday.
It will be up to the Murray Bridge council assessment panel to decide whether it goes ahead.
- Have your say: Visit before 11.59pm on Monday, November 29.
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