Social photos: Murray Bridge Autofest 2023

A show and shine at Sturt Reserve, Murray Bridge has proven popular in the middle weekend of the school holidays.

Social photos: Murray Bridge Autofest 2023

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Hundreds have descended on Murray Bridge’s riverfront over the weekend for a display of chrome and grunt.

Most of Murray Bridge Autofest took place at the speedway on Friday and Saturday nights, but on Saturday morning, dozens of participants brought their cars down to Sturt Reserve for a show and shine.

For every pimped-out contemporary ride, like Shane Laws-Bennett’s lowered and illuminated Holden ute, there was a tale spanning years of hard work to polish an old wreck into something special.

Karoonda’s Brenton Zadow might have taken the cake – he pulled his Torana out of a paddock at Sandalwood for $200 and toiled for two and a half years to get it back into pristine condition.

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