Social photos: Australia Day 2025
Hundreds of people have attended celebrations around the Murraylands.

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At Murray Bridge's Australia Day breakfast are John Filmer and Andrew Baltensperger, Net Posuk and Patty Boomala, Raziq Sultana and Mdaminul Haque, Sandra Sims and Andre Oosterbaan, Ian Bushell and Jace Hall, and Trevor Gordon and Ross Anderson. Photos: Peri Strathearn.
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The weather was cool and pleasant on Sunday morning as around 200 people gathered at Edwards Square, Murray Bridge for an Australia Day breakfast and awards ceremony.
Lions, Rotarians and a coffee van fuelled everyone up before five locals were honoured and 31 new citizens sworn in.
A similar scene played out at Tailem Bend as the community flowed into Town Hall at lunch time.
A local woman was named citizen of the year and an enchanting community exhibit took out project of the year.
- Purchase a high-resolution photo: $5 at
- Read more: Courtney Blacker named Murray Bridge’s citizen of the year

At Tailem Bend's Australia Day are Sue Morgan and Claire Holliday; Joyce Medlow, Sue Griffiths and Kay Hughes; Derk and Sandra Visser; Hannah Altschwager and Sandy Perzibilla; Annette Burt, Brenten Qualmann and Maxine Kiddie and Maria Haebich, Gwenda Zadow, Yvonne Rebner and Laraine Bartlett. Photos: Liana Webster