Six reasons tinting your windows makes sense

Tint 4U's Steve Burgess lists the benefits of treating your home, office or car windows.

Six reasons tinting your windows makes sense

This sponsored post is brought to you by Tint 4U.

Once you've had your first tint, you'll never go back.

That has been the experience of Tint 4U's Steve Burgess, who says many of his customers come in whenever they buy a new car to get the windows treated right away.

But with tinting now available for your home or business as well as your family car or farm vehicle, there have never been more opportunities to experience the benefits for yourself.

  • It keeps you cool: Tinting windows which get a lot of sun can dramatically reduce heat levels, as well as UV light and glare, inside your home or workplace.
  • It's inexpensive: Tinting is typically a fraction of the cost of installing air conditioning, insulation, window shutters, blinds or curtains.
  • It saves you money: A cooler home or workplace means less need to rely on an air conditioner, which means a smaller power bill.
  • It's long-lasting: All Tint 4U window treatments come with a 10-year warranty.
  • It's transparent: Tinting a window instead of covering it means you can keep your view while you keep your cool.
  • But not too transparent: Tinting can give you a bit of extra privacy in rooms which are exposed to neighbouring properties or the street.

Tried and true technology finds new applications

That last factor – privacy – is one of the reasons home tinting has overtaken car tinting as the mainstay of his Murray Bridge business, Mr Burgess says.

"Several times I've had people say they were in their front bedroom and a neighbour walked past and gave them a wave," he says.

"Even though they're very friendly with their neighbours, it made them think about their privacy."

People have been tinting vehicle windows for decades, but farm machinery and even small planes' skylights are also emerging markets for the technology.

"Because it's all glass these days in agricultural machines, sometimes the air conditioner doesn't keep up and sometimes you get sunburnt," Mr Burgess says.

"Tinting increases farmers' comfort and safety in the cab.

"If they're spending weeks harvesting their paddocks, being exposed every day, it adds up."

Even climate change might be a factor in the increasing uptake, he suggests – people are becoming aware that the world is getting hotter every year.

Talk to your local tinting experts

Yet as the arguments for window treatment have changed, one thing has remained constant: the need to have the job done by an expert.

Mr Burgess' business was the first to offer window tinting in Murray Bridge in 1988, and there is no substitute for that experience.

Find out for yourself – Tint 4U offers a free measure and on-the-spot quote to customers in the local area.

Tip of the week

Tinting can reduce the amount of heat which passes through a pane of glass by up to 79 per cent.

Photo: Peri Strathearn.