Shouty corellas drown out Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge’s cruise night
Car club members have staged their annual cruise night to Swanport Reserve.

This post was contributed by Graham Edwards.

February 10 was the scheduled evening for the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge’s annual cruise night to Swanport Reserve, situated downstream of the Swanport Bridge.
In 2023, 27 ACCMB members attended, with their 10 classic and three modern vehicles ranging from John and Vicki Courtney’s 1929 Dodge “Bud” sedan through to Gary Haebich’s 2088 XR8 Falcon sedan.
It was great to see and meet up with newly inducted ACCMB members Steve, Ruth and Julie Budd driving their immaculate 1974 MGB Roadster.
As members began arriving, parking their cars around the perimeter of the reserve and setting up around the shelter shed among the gum trees, they were entertained by the melody of sound from thousands of out-of-control, destructive corellas.
ACCMB members were duly welcomed by Jan Hall, run coordinator for the evening, whilst settling in with their BYO chairs, tables, food and refreshments.
Swanport Reserve is a perfect place for such a casual night out, with great views of the flooded flats across the river and around the wetlands.
Much chit-chat took place amongst those present, who were trying to solve some of the world’s latest problems while also commenting that for a change, there were no mosquitoes to spoil the evening.
The ACCMB publicity officer was heard and seen to clap his thongs loudly a couple of times throughout the evening to call the corellas to order so that a speaker could be heard and to hear one think.
Some members during the evening took a leisurely stroll around the reserve and along the riverbank to check out the success of those trying to catch a feed of fresh fish.
Or they looked at a couple of small boats slowly plying the river, along with the odd paddle boarder out for a look at the high river.
With all the food and refreshments gone, and with the sun beginning to set, it was time to pack up, say cheerio to each other and thank evening run coordinator Jan for another relaxing evening run before firing up their pride and joys and head for home.
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