See the photos from the 2021 Tailem Bend Christmas parade

Father Christmas has done the rounds of the town for the second pageant under COVID-19 restrictions.

See the photos from the 2021 Tailem Bend Christmas parade
Towed by six white boomers, Father Christmas makes his way down Railway Terrace, Tailem Bend on Saturday. Photo: Glenn Power.

Pandemic or no pandemic, Father Christmas has done his best to visit almost every house at Tailem Bend.

The 2021 Christmas parade drew onlookers out to footpaths and front yards on Saturday as it wove its way around town.

COVID-19 restrictions kept organisers from holding a mass gathering on Railway Terrace like they usually would, but plenty of people turned up anyway to see the man in red pass by.

Onlookers watch Father Christmas pass the bakery. Photo: Tim McNeilly.

Car club members, automotive dealers and emergency services personnel were among the other parade entrants.

The weekend was made even more Christmassy with families able to have photos with Father Christmas in the Winter Wonderland at Tailem Bend Town Hall.

The big man visited Tailem Bend Hospital residents to deliver a few presents, too.

SA Health rules have prevented people from walking alongside pageants, or handing out goodies, this year.

That was why Murray Bridge’s pageant was held at Sturt Reserve this year.

Photo: Glenn Power.
Photo: Glenn Power.
Photo: Glenn Power.
Photo: Glenn Power.
Photo: Glenn Power.
Photo: Glenn Power.

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