Rural strength shown in exhibition by Bridge Arts

A group of Murraylands artists offer a look at their diverse work in a show at Murray Bridge Regional Gallery, writes Di Dawson.

Rural strength shown in exhibition by Bridge Arts

This post was contributed by Di Dawson.

Audrey van den Heuvel is one of the local artists whose work is on show at Murray Bridge Regional Galley this month. Photo: Di Dawson.

A Murray Bridge artists’ collective is encouraging locals to get out and see the talent on display in their own backyard.

Rural Strength is an exhibition of work by a diverse and impressive collection of local artists who are members of Bridge Arts, whose work in this exhibition depicts the resilience, strength, and diversity of our rural communities.

The artists are an eclectic group whose works include paintings in oil, watercolour, pastel, pen, and acrylic, together with mixed-medium works of ceramics, textiles, felting, concrete, and found metal items.

Works exhibited by these artists include acrylic and oils on canvas by Anita Millsteed, Kerry Wilson, Mary Rawlings, Sue Foster, Jane Mason, Valerie Sparrow, Shazz Secker, Shirley Jarvis, Cecilia Kluge, and Audrey van den Heuvel; and watercolours by Valerie Sparrow, Louise Bauer, and Shirley Jarvis; all depicting their observations of people, animals and nature in our own surroundings.

Sue Foster has work on the Murray Bridge gallery’s walls at the moment. Photo: Di Dawson.

Works that are quite unique include the embellished felted wrap made by Jean Mobbs, the “found objects” of Pamela Gillen and the distinctive eco-dyed collage and sculptures by Sue Piggott; the exquisite handcrafted ceramic pots with gold lustre by Rose Walker; the concrete items of Audrey van den Heuvel; Louise Bauer’s acrylic on a saw; and the eye-catching “found metal” sculptures of junk art artist Steve Oatway, without which no exhibition would be complete.

Rural Strength is showing at Murray Bridge Regional Gallery until April 10.

Bridge Arts also hosts weekly art classes every Wednesday, and monthly workshops by different artists, at the collective’s studio in the old central train control building at the Railway Reserve in Murray Bridge.

No exhibition of locals’ work would be complete without a few works by junk artist Steve Oatway. Photo: Di Dawson.

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