Produce company will use AI to monitor and track veggie growth

Sunnyside-based Eldridge Fresh Organics has introduced artificial intelligence to maximise their yields and vegetable quality.

Produce company will use AI to monitor and track veggie growth
Shane Eldridge works with the new AI technology. Photo: Eldridge Fresh Organics.

A Sunnyside-based vegetable grower has started using artificial intelligence to monitor and track produce in real time.

The software, thought to be the first of its kind in Australia, digitises Eldridge Fresh Organics’ farming processes.

The system tracks key environmental factors such as carbon dioxide levels, water usage, humidity and soil moisture in the company’s greenhouses.

The system then automatically adjusts vents, fans, and heaters to optimise growing conditions and improve resource efficiency; and collates data that will help Eldridge understand the environmental impact of growing operations.

CEO Shane Eldridge said the technology would allow his team to manage crop rotation timelines more effectively.

Once produce is ready for harvest, the software continues to track produce as it goes through the cold chain process by sorting, grading and managing customer orders.

The team is provided with updated stock information, cutting down on delays in supply.

“This capability also enables smarter sales decisions because it allows for pricing adjustments to be made based on demand and reduces overall food waste,” Mr Eldridge said.

The approach, the Greenhouse Gemini project, was achieved through a grant from the state government’s Agtech Growth Fund.

Mr Eldridge said the system had the potential to create jobs, boost SA’s economy and solidify the state as a global leader in sustainable agriculture.

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