Photography competition focuses on loveable Mypolonga
A competition asks locals to photograph one thing they love about the River Murray community.

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A photo competition asks entrants to photograph one thing they love about Mypolonga.
After the damage and anxiety caused by the recent floods, the competition seeks to highlight the many positive aspects of Mypolonga.
The competition, created by Mypolonga resident Kate deRavin, has two categories: one for schoolchildren and one open to anyone who loves Mypolonga.
As long as the theme of loving Mypolonga was included, Ms deRavin said, any subject was acceptable – “it’s only limited by your imagination”.
She also stressed that it was fine if many entries photographed the same thing.
“For example, the subject could be a flower, but all the photographs of a flower would be different,” she said.

Students in years 4, 5 and 6 at Mypolonga Primary School are learning about photography as part of media studies, taught by Kerry Daniel and Mel Carstairs.
The schoolchildren are eager to enter the competition and are already planning what they will photograph.
“My idea is taking a photo of the oval for the school,” one student, Shayla, said.
“I like how there’s a bunch of kids who are playing on the oval, and you can do a bunch of stuff off it.”
Hannah explained why she wanted to photograph plants: “Because if we didn’t have trees, we wouldn’t be alive because they produce oxygen.”
One of the children’s fathers, Tim McNeilly, a talented photographer, visited the school to teach the children about taking good snaps.
“Harry’s dad gave us some PowerPoints and gave the kids some tips – and then they went outside, and he gave them more pointers,” Ms Daniel said.
The children expressed many different lessons that Mr McNeilly had taught them.
“I was taking a photo of the tree, and he said to take a photo of the branch, and it looked heaps better,” Jake said.

The Murray Bridge International Photography Club will be judging the entries in the photography competition and would be looking for the following criteria:
- intention: the photo should tell a story and convey meaning to its intended audience
- composition
- lighting
- focus
- equipment – whether a camera, iPad or mobile phone – and whether it has been used correctly
- editing: cropping, lighting, removal of unwanted elements and so on
Ms deRavin said that the entrants should also include with their photos a small written explanation.
“They’re asked to add a couple of sentences about the photos, asking them to explain what they love about Mypo – it will give the whole picture of what they love.”
Asked what she loved about Mypolonga, Ms deRavin struggled to limit it to one thing.
“I love the community atmosphere, and I just love my home here,” she said.
“And I’ve always loved trees and the water – I walk around here and think I’m so lucky.”
The competition will close on April 14.
- Enter the competition: Email; entries will be posted on the Mypolonga Buzz Facebook page.
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