Pedal boats are coming to Murray Bridge

Under the name Murray River Pedal Boat Adventures, a local couple hopes to make the easygoing watercraft available for hire at Sturt Reserve.

Pedal boats are coming to Murray Bridge

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Steven Waterhouse takes one of his pedal boats on its maiden voyage in the River Murray. Photo: Michael X. Savvas.

Have you ever hired one of the pedal boats at Elder Park, on the River Torrens in Adelaide?

It’s an indispensable summer experience for any visitor to the city – and the same might soon be said of Murray Bridge.

A company called Murray River Pedal Boat Adventures plans to set up at Sturt Reserve this summer, offering boats for hire to tourists or locals.

The couple behind the venture, Steven and Grace Waterhouse, know the waters well.

Steven Waterhouse sails them regularly as the captain of the paddle steamer Captain Proud.

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“A couple of months ago, me and my wife took a walk down at Sturt Reserve and saw a couple with a pedal boat, similar to what you see on the Torrens River,” he said.

“I said, ‘What a great idea’.

“There’s not really a lot of activity for a lot of our community (members) that don’t have their own water craft, and it might be good for a person who’s visiting the region.”

Steven Waterhouse’s day job involves captaining a paddle boat up and down the River Murray. Photo: Michael X. Savvas.

They have already purchased a five of the easy-to-operate boats, plus five kayaks and all the necessary safety equipment, and have been keeping it all at the Murray Bridge Regional Rowing Centre.

They have also received a certificate of operation from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, and have planned safety inductions and a schedule of boat maintenance.

A date for the venture’s launch has not yet been set.

But when the weather fines up, and they gain final council approval, they should be more or less good to go.

This could soon be you. But with life jackets. Photo: Spiderstock/Getty Images.

In the meantime, Murray River Pedal Boat Adventures are also taking casual bookings by arrangement.

“We’re very keen to get going,” Mr Waterhouse said.

“I’m sure the community and visitors to the region would like to have an alternative activity on the river; rather than going on the bank and looking at the river, they can actually experience the river.

“And for the children living in the community, it gives them an opportunity to do something on the river that’s affordable.”