Pat Dycer, long-time Murray Bridge resident, turns 100
About 40 family members attended her birthday party at the Oriental Garden on Saturday night.

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A long-time Murray Bridge resident has celebrated her 100th birthday.
Pat Dycer spent her centenary with almost 40 family members at the Oriental Garden Chinese restaurant on Saturday night.
It was just one of three parties held for the occasion – the others were in Adelaide, where she now lives, and Mount Gambier.
Mrs Dycer was born to Henry and Myrtle Turner in Mount Gambier in 1921, the eldest of six children.

She helped run her family’s farm when her father went away during World War II, running a horse-drawn plough and delivering milk to the factory by horse and cart.
She met her late husband, Douglas, himself a returned serviceman, at a local dance soon after the war.
They married in 1944 and eventually had seven children.
They moved to Murray Bridge in 1971.
Both worked at the meat works for a time, and Mr Dycer was involved with the darts club.

Mrs Dycer moved to Adelaide six years ago.
She still plays cards twice a week, knits and stays active shopping and socialising.
Between their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, more than 100 people now living are descended from Mrs and the late Mr Dycer, according to family members.