What do you think of the NBN? MP Tony Pasin wants to know

The Murraylands' federal MP is leading an inquiry into the National Broadband Network.

What do you think of the NBN? MP Tony Pasin wants to know

Construction of the National Broadband Network is 99 per cent complete – now the Murraylands’ federal MP wants to know how it is performing.

Member for Barker Tony Pasin is leading a national inquiry into the NBN as chair of a parliamentary committee.

He is seeking feedback from all NBN users – individuals, community groups and small businesses – between now and September 15.

“The network has really been put to the test in recent months with more people working and studying at home,” he said.

“It’s tested the network’s strength and adaptability.

“We want to hear from those who have been relying on NBN through this time and what their experience was so we can fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the network under some of the toughest circumstances.”

The inquiry was especially interested in network performance at the height of the pandemic and measures taken by NBN Co in response to COVID-19, such as offering more capacity to service providers.

The number of Australian homes and businesses now connected to the NBN now stands at 11.5 million, or 99 per cent of the total.

Communications, Cyber Safety and Arts Minister Paul Fletcher said that was due to the Coalition government's decision to go with a cheaper, quicker-to-build network than that envisioned by Labor prior to the 2013 election.

Photo: Thomas Jensen/Unsplash. Map of NBN coverage in the Murraylands: NBN Co.