Super-fast internet is here, NBN Co tells Murray Bridge businesses

Guests at a Business Murray Bridge breakfast have heard from the internet wholesaler, plus Bridge Watersport Park, Adrian Pederick and Regional Development Australia.

Super-fast internet is here, NBN Co tells Murray Bridge businesses

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Rachel Leonow presents at a business breakfast in Murray Bridge last Wednesday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

Super-fast internet is here in Murray Bridge – business owners just need to ask for it.

So says NBN Co’s Rachel Leonow, who presented at a Business Murray Bridge breakfast at the Bridgeport Hotel last Wednesday.

Internet speeds of close to 1000 megabits per second – for both uploading and downloading – were now available throughout most of the city, she said.

NBN Co’s Enterprise Ethernet service is available in almost all built-up areas of Murray Bridge. Image: NBN Co.

For businesses which had grown to rely upon the internet during the pandemic, she said, a faster connection would save time, reduce costs and increase profit.

“Think about how much now we’re videoconferecing, how much we’re using cloud-based services with our businesses,” she said.

“We’re having to upload a lot more content to our customers now than we ever have before.

“As business owners, you really need to make sure that you've got the right connectivity in order to build that efficiency into your business.”

The local take-up has so far been slow since the Enterprise Ethernet initiative was announced late last year.

Adam Bruce speaks at the breakfast. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

Almost 90 guests at the breakfast also heard from local businessmen Adam Bruce, with an update on his planned Bridge Watersport Park, and from state MP Adrian Pederick, Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland's Julie Bates, and Business Murray Bridge chair Stephen Walker.

A planned presentation on Business Murray Bridge itself, including an update on what the association will offer and a call for businesses to join or renew their membership in 2022, had to be pulled after the event ran overtime.

Business Murray Bridge will provide an update by alternative means in the coming weeks.

Disclosure: The author is a Business Murray Bridge committee member.