It's a sad state of affairs when both sides of politics vote in the parliament to reduce accountability. It's not a good look.

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Let's all use our next vote to let politicians know we do not condone their bad behaviour and their lack of public consultation when supposedly representing their communities

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Please Mr Pederick, tell me how many people have sat in you office to tell harrowing stories and how many honest people are affected by corruption and maladministration? Are you cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer? We all know that Ombudsman of all persuasions are toothless and only have the power to investigate. This decision only hampers the ability to prosecute a wrong doer. I hate the excuse that you are accountable at the next election as politicians have granted themselves exemption to the truth in advertising legislation and you feed us lies and half truths in the process. You seriously want us to believe that reducing powers to prosecute is for the better of society? What an incredibly reckless decision you and your fellow politicians have made.

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I agree with the comments of Steve Burgess. The whole thing reeks of pollies (on both sides) making it even more difficult for them and their senior public servants to ever be successfully prosecuted for corrupt conduct via the ICAC and for the public to have transparency and accountability. The revised ICAC now stands for Insurance Coverage Absolves Cronies. A pox on both their houses for this backward step.

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