Regional firms are growing despite COVID, business women say

A Murray Bridge business group believes 2020's big crisis has led to new opportunities.

Regional firms are growing despite COVID, business women say

This post was contributed by the Women in Business Regional Network.

Turning the COVID-19 crisis into business opportunities was the focus for the latest Women in Business Regional Network lunch in Murray Bridge.

It was great to hear from local businesswomen about the growth in their individual businesses as a result of pivots, or simply the changes that had taken place in our community as a result of the pandemic.

Network founder Carolyn Jeffrey said an increasing number of women throughout regional South Australia were reporting rapid growth for their businesses, and that increased interest from city people to relocate to the regions was exciting news for the future.

However, she acknowledged that there were still those in the wedding, travel and international tourism sectors still facing tough restrictions and challenges.

Among the growth areas identified in the presentation were cleaning, health and wellbeing, regional intrastate travel, job seeking services, website and online sales and business consulting.

“Although businesses may not necessarily be in these particular sectors, it is sometimes about seeing the opportunity to link with others in these sectors, or to use the increased interest in health when it comes to promotion and marketing,” Ms Jeffrey said.

“An example might be to offer an intrastate travel incentive or prize if you’re not in the travel sector, or to have your business align with a health or wellbeing cause through fundraising or support.”

The network will next gather in Murray Bridge on Wednesday, November 25 with details to be announced at a later date.

The Women in Business Regional Network is open to business owners, managers, staff and those dreaming of owning their own business.

You don’t have to be a member to attend events but bookings are essential via

Photo of Denise Walters, Evelyn Pollard, Elise Gordon, Paula Dickson, Connie Matthews, Jodie Austin and Justine Searby: Women in Business Regional Network.