Population growth should double, council says

The Mid Murray council has set an ambitious population target in its draft strategic plan for the next four years.

Population growth should double, council says

Almost 1000 people – that is how many the Mid Murray Council wants to move into the district in the next four years.

The population goal – 10 per cent growth by 2024, double the current growth rate – is the only concrete target set in a draft strategic plan for the council

More specific actions and targets will be set later in the year, with input from residents.

But first the council is seeking feedback on 70 broad priorities it has set in the plan's first draft, published on Monday.

Those prorities are expressed as aspirational statements, such as:

  • “We are financially responsible, accountable and efficient with our community's money”
  • “A broad range of employment opportunities are available in all sectors of our economy”
  • “Our reliance on River Murray water is reduced”

Mayor Dave Burgess said he wanted community members to have their say on each of five focus areas: lifestyle, business, community, growth and the environment.

“Our strategic plan ... underpins everything we do, from how council is run right down to which projects and services we prioritise for our community,” he said.

“This first stage is a unique opportunity for locals to tell us what areas they believe we should be focused on.

“The feedback they give us now will steer the decisions for the next phase of this work, which is to decide on the activities, projects and measures we’ll be putting in place to achieve our overarching goals.

“We encourage anyone who has an interest in our district to take a close look at our plan so far and tell us whether they think we’re on the right track.”

An online survey now open asks respondents whether they agree with each of the 70 priorities councillors and staff have come up with; and if not, why not.

The Mid Murray district's population was just over 9000 in 2019, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

It was estimated to have grown by 1.2%, or about 110 people, over the previous 12 months.

  • Have your say: Visit www.surveymonkey.com or write to Strategic Plan Feedback, Mid Murray Council, PO Box 28, Mannum SA 5238 by July 17.

Photo: Peri Strathearn.