Murraylands photographer can make your dog a star

Sarina Veliz is raising funds for animal rescue charities by photographing rural dogs for the International Tails of the World book project.

Murraylands photographer can make your dog a star
Flirt the Australian Shepherd being a little flirty. Photo: Sarina Veliz of Fuzz Design.

Monteith-based pet photographer Sarina Veliz of Fuzz Design will photograph 10 dogs and showcase them in the 2024 Tails of the World book to assist animal rescue charities.

Photography sessions will take place over the next month or so, and places are filling up fast.

There is a $100 registration fee, which will be donated in full to Scruffer Lovers, a charity that assists the Murray Bridge Council to rehome dogs to avoid euthanasia.

Scruffer Lovers is committed to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming dogs in South Australia.

In addition, all of the proceeds of sales from the Tails of the World book will go to an Australian-based animal rescue group, Second Chance Animal Rescue.

Milo the Cavoodle pondering the mysteries of the universe. Photo: Sarina Veliz of Fuzz Design.

Caitlin J. McColl founded the Tails of the World Collective in 2015 so that pet photographers across the world could raise funds for animal charities, and they have raised $50,000 to date.

Ms Veliz is thrilled to have South Australian dogs and locations displayed in the Tails of the World project, which has previously included locations such as the Netherlands and Portland.

โ€œThis is the first year rural dogs of South Australia will be featured in the Tails of the World book,โ€ she said.

โ€œI am so excited to not only raise much-needed funds for two animal rescue charities but also to capture local dogs in our quintessential rural landscape of South Australia.โ€

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