Murray Bridge News’ 2023 reader survey winner announced

Congratulations to the Murray Bridge resident who has taken home a Samsung tablet, some Murray Bridge News merchandise and a 12-month subscription.

Murray Bridge News’ 2023 reader survey winner announced
Nic Oud, centre, receives his prizes from Matt Gravestocks and Peri Strathearn. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

When Nic Oud rolls out of bed in the evening, ready for a night shift in the mines, he opens up his laptop and has a quick look at Murray Bridge News.

“I like to keep in touch with what’s happening around the place,” he said.

The Murray Bridge resident and fly-in, fly-out worker has been a subscriber since July 2020.

Last week, his loyalty paid off.

Mr Oud was chosen at random as the winner of Murray Bridge News’ 2023 reader survey prize: a Samsung tablet, some Murray Bridge News merch and a 12-month extension to his subscription.

He picked up his prize from managing editor Peri Strathearn and Murray Computers’ Matt Gravestocks, who was kind enough to offer Murray Bridge News a special deal on the tablet, on Monday morning.

As well as the annual reader survey prize, paying Murray Bridge News subscribers automatically become eligible for a subscriber-only giveaway each month.

This month’s winner was Jac Carslake.

What did Murray Bridge News learn from our 2023 reader survey?

So what did we learn from the more than 230 people who filled in this year’s survey?

For one thing, most of you are big fans – in fact, almost a third of you said you were 100 per cent likely to recommend Murray Bridge News to a friend or family member.

“It is a great way to receive up-to-date and accurate online news (about) what is happening in our region,” one reader said.

“Since finding the Facebook page I have actually done activities and learned more about the town; it’s informative and great to read what’s happening,” said another.

Another compliment that tickled our fancy: “the format is user-friendly … and does not involve cutting down a tree”.

As a result of reading Murray Bridge News:

  • 97% of readers felt more connected to the community
  • 77% felt more empowered to have their say about local issues
  • 66% said they had attended an event, joined a group or donated to a cause

As you would expect, a majority of our readers said they were in Murray Bridge, while about a quarter – including commuters and ex-residents – lived outside the Murraylands.

In keeping with broader news industry trends, our readers tended to be older and more highly educated than average; but unlike most publishers, our audience skewed more towards women than men.

We’ll go through your story suggestions over the coming weeks as we plan our news coverage for the next 12 months.

Thanks again to everyone who responded to this year’s survey.

Locals support locals. Your support helps Murray Bridge News tell important local stories.