Murray Bridge man arrested for child exploitation

Plus police warn of an upcoming training exercise at Murray Bridge’s Unity College and arrest an alleged drink driver.

Murray Bridge man arrested for child exploitation
Police have arrested a Murray Bridge man for allegedly possessing child exploitation material. Photo: SA Police.

Police have arrested a 31-year-old Murray Bridge man for possession of child exploitation material.

Officers from SA Police’s special crimes investigation and digital evidence sections raided a property in Murray Bridge on Monday.

They allegedly found the material in an electronic form.

Police allowed the man to go out on bail ahead of an appearance at Murray Bridge Magistrates Court on July 1.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of up to 12 years in prison.

Driver will face drink driving charge

Meanwhile, police have reported another Murray Bridge man for drink driving.

Officers stopped the 58-year-old on Christian Road around 6.10pm on Saturday.

He completed a breath test which allegedly gave a blood alcohol reading of 0.087.

The police disqualified him from driving for six months, impounded his vehicle, and told him to expect a summons to Murray Bridge Magistrates Court.

Expect a false alarm this Thursday

Finally, police have warned members of the public not to worry if they see vehicles with flashing lights and blaring sirens heading to Unity College in Murray Bridge this Thursday.

Emergency services plan to mock up a crash scene at the Owl Drive college to teach local students about the importance of road safety.

More than 400 students from the college, Murray Bridge High School and Tyndale Christian College have been invited to attend.

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