Murray Bridge council watch: October 2020

A CCTV network expands, the war on trolleys continues, Callington needs a street light and more.

Murray Bridge council watch: October 2020

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CCTV cameras will be installed in two locations at Sturt Reserve on the suggestion of Murray Bridge Councillor Fred Toogood.

The new war memorial beneath Wharf Hill and the regional rowing centre now under construction both needed protection from vandals, all councillors agreed on Monday night.

Mayor Brenton Lewis said being proactive was a good idea.

“As we invest heavily in infrastructure, it’s going to become even more necessary to have a bit of surveillance,” he said.

“Let’s get it on the right foot.”

A network of at least 32 cameras already covers at least 14 sites around Murray Bridge.

Shopping trolleys are getting out of hand, councillor says

More policing of abandoned shopping trolleys is needed in Murray Bridge, a councillor says.

Cr Wayne Thorley blamed “laziness” for the increasing number of trolleys being left on the city’s streets, but also said supermarkets needed to collect them more often.

Cr Fred Toogood said he had seen someone fish four trolleys out of the River Murray recently.

Mayor Brenton Lewis suggested police needed to get involved.

“They’re basically stolen property,” he said.

However, Cr Mat O’Brien said he had seen a Coles-branded vehicle on patrol from time to time.

The council will write to the managers of all local supermarkets about the matter.

Councillors had previously expressed anger about the situation back in May, when they were told the council could not legally force the supermarkets to act.

Council will consider Callington street light

Callington residents concerned about their safety at night may get some extra lighting sooner than later.

The Murray Bridge council had previously agreed to install lights around a pedestrian crossing to be built alongside the Erskine Bridge, which links the two sides of the town.

But on Monday night, Cr Airlie Keen successfully argued that a stop-gap measure was needed.

“At this stage we don’t know when the new pedestrian bridge will actually be built,” she said.

“Considering how much time has already passed, I feel there is an argument for temporary lights to be considered.”

The Mount Barker council has already installed a solar-powered street light at its end of the bridge; the Murray Bridge council will seek quotes for something similar.

A design for the pedestrian bridge is due to be finalised before June 30.

Community Advisory Committee members appointed

Brinkley Hall secretary Heather Richards and garden and floral art club member Peter Crowley will join a group which advises the Murray Bridge council on the community's wishes.

The pair were the successful applicants among 15 who had applied to join the council’s community advisory committee.

Continuing alongside them will be Ruby Eckermann, Alicia Godfrey, Rodel Maranan, Steve Morcom, Don Watts and Sharon Weyland.

Disability plan will move ahead

A disability advisory group will be created in Murray Bridge following the council’s adoption of a disability access and inclusion plan on Monday night.

No changes were made to a draft version of the plan which was circulated for public consultation in August.

Only one person gave any feedback during the consultation, and the council's community services manager believed the points they raised had been adequately covered.

Volunteer grievance procedures will be reviewed

More early intervention is needed to keep disputes between council volunteers and staff from getting out of hand, a councillor says.

The council will review its dispute resolution procedures at the urging of Cr Airlie Keen, who argued that higher-ranking managers and professional mediators were needed in some cases.

She also argued that years of history did not need to be dragged into disputes – “one or two years' recent history should suffice”.

She declined to go into specifics about the disagreement that had prompted her push.

Photos: Markus Spiske/Unsplash (top), Parker Coffman/Unsplash (middle), Rural City of Murray Bridge (bottom).