Life Through the Lens: Talking with God

Kevin Schrapel thinks about different ways of connecting.

Life Through the Lens: Talking with God

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

How do you connect? Photos: Kevin Schrapel.

You might notice I have titled this Life Through the Lens “Talking with God”.

Followers of Jesus talk a lot about prayer.

I prefer “talking with God”.

I use the word “with” because I believe it is a two-way conversation.

Any conversation which is of value and shows respect consists of talking and listening.

There is an essential part of a conversation: we need to believe the person we are talking to is a real person.

God is a real person.

We need to feel that to the other person, we are precious, cared for and loved.

God has all those feelings towards you.

Jesus, his son, willingly died to demonstrate how important you are to God.

God loves you to talk to him.

He loves you to listen to his words in the Bible.

Believe that in love, he helps you understand his thoughts.

Some thoughts about talking with God:

  • When? Anytime. You work out with God the best time for you.
  • Where? He says, “I love my children to talk with me everywhere”.
  • How? Think about what you would like to say, not carelessly or flippantly, as if it doesn’t matter. It does.
  • Believe God is there with you, hears you and always and only wants what is best for you.
  • Thank him for what you know and feel he has done for you. Can’t think of anything? Give it time. Think about his son Jesus dying just so you can talk to him.
  • Praise him, tell him he is special to you. Tell him you want him to be the centre of your life. Tell him you believe he loves you, no matter who you are or what you have done.
  • Talk to him as yourself. He’s not looking for fancy words or flowery language. He just wants to be with you as you are. St Paul, a great follower of Jesus, wrote, “I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

I pray you enjoy talking with God and experience the many blessings that come with this unique conversation.

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