Life Through the Lens: Rising sun is an emblem of sacrifice

We would do well not to forget it, writes Kevin Schrapel.

Life Through the Lens: Rising sun is an emblem of sacrifice

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel.

Image: Kevin Schrapel.

As the sun rises across our great country on Sunday morning, it will flash on thousands of “rising sun” emblems: badges of dedication, commitment, courage and sacrifice.

We give thanks and praise to the men and women who stepped forward, gave up their comforts, changed their lives and in many instances sacrificed their lives so the rest of us could enjoy our freedoms, ways of life and friendships.

For some it will be a time of sadness.

For others there will be memories of friendships that have withstood the passing of time and circumstances.

For some, a remembered joy at the safe return of a loved one.

At these commemorative dawn services, there may be those who also ponder a sunrise that took place a little over 2000 years ago.

A man named Jesus claimed to be the son of God, a claim believed by many millions worldwide.

This man had sacrificed his life on a cross, but when his friends came to visit and pay their respects, the grave was empty.

He had said this would happen before his crucifixion.

But why this sacrifice?

Throughout time, many have sacrificed their lives so others could be free.

The sacrifice of Jesus was made so humanity could again enjoy the freedoms that come with a restored and rebuilt friendship with God the father.

That freedom comes from knowing you are loved no matter what mistakes, intentional or otherwise, you have made in life.

That freedom brings with it the promise of support to turn things around and start anew.

A rising sun is a very appropriate image to highlight and bind together all who have given much to dispel darkness from lives.

Our armed forces personnel gave so we could all enjoy the freedoms we so value in our society: freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom to come together.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”, and sacrificed himself to rebuild a personal friendship with God.

He offers a spiritual awakening, a life-changing, strengthened desire to remove the darkness of bigotry, one-upmanship and grows a strength of character to act out care, love, which helps people have self-worth.

These things bring light into the community.

In the light of a new day, people will stand together and, with heartfelt sincerity, repeat the time-honoured words:

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

And we give thanks to God for all who have suffered and died to bring us peace in its many forms.

God bless you.

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