Life Through the Lens: Letting go of first impressions

What do we miss out once we make up our mind on first impressions?

Life Through the Lens: Letting go of first impressions

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

A striking red leaf or a bit of plastic. What is your first impression? Photo: Kevin Schrapel

The thoughts flashed through my mind, “Hey Ruth! Look at the Ultra-red leaf!”

Fortunately for once the brain was faster than the vocal chords and I realised, as no doubt you can see, it is a piece of red plastic.

So much for first impressions.

But how often do first impressions colour our thinking?

How difficult it can be to allow new information to update and change those first, influencing impressions into a new reality?

My first impression of the piece of plastic was inconsequential.

But how often do our first impressions influence our relationships with others?

How many interesting, exciting, uplifting relationships might you have missed by allowing first impressions to influence future thoughts and actions?

What do we allow to create those impressions?

In today's world there is an unhealthy emphasis on physical appearance, financial standing, academic achievements and sporting prowess.

Often we allow those emphases to affect how we see and relate to people.

Sadly we often allow that first impression to become a lasting perception.

When making those perceptions do we consider the circumstances?

Long ago Jesus walked around Israel.

Those who met him or heard of him had very diverse perceptions of Jesus.

Some said he was “that carpenter’s son!” (Mark 6:3)

Others said he was a teacher sent from God. (John 3:2)

Religious leaders who felt threatened by his actions of love accused him of working with Satan. (Luke 11:15)

Those looking for a special religious leader call him a prophet – a man who could talk on behalf of God. (Matthew 16:14)

But a man who had taken the opportunity to get to know him, to learn about Jesus through a first-hand relationship could say, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. (Matthew 16:16)

So what of your perceptions of Jesus?

I doubt if there is anyone on earth who in one way or another has not heard the name Jesus.

Only when Jesus’ followers knew more about him did even their perceptions change.

The answer to changing impressions and perceptions is, as more knowledge and a newer relationship develop, being willing to change your perceptions.

When I took the time I discovered the red leaf was in reality plastic.

Many think Jesus is either a historical “good man”, an imaginary cult figure or not even worth thinking about.

Many others have taken the time to get close and have their impressions changed till they can say, “you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”.

How willing are you to let the word of God (The Bible) change your impressions of Jesus?

God bless.

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