Life Through the Lens: Jesus on a skateboard

Would the son of God look down on today's teenagers, or go BMXing with them, asks Kevin Schrapel?

Life Through the Lens: Jesus on a skateboard

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

Ayden Hoad and Kyle Nixon perform a near-miraculous trick at Murray Bridge Skate Park. Image: Kevin Schrapel.

Would Jesus ride a skateboard or a BMX?

Would he hang out at a skate park?

I feel confident he would.

If you look at his life story in the Bible, he was more often with who we might call the “ordinary people”, the “real people”.

If you read his words, he often spoke out against self-important leaders who were more interested in putting down those they should be caring for and supporting.

If I tried skateboarding – or BMX – I’d probably break my neck.

However, over the years, I have often watched with admiration those who risk life and limb dashing around those hills, valleys, and bowls showing much care, kindness, support and encouragement to beginners.

In so many areas of life, such beginners would be considered in the way, and told so.

Jesus had a lot of kind, supportive and uplifting words for people who we might be tempted to brush off as not worth our time.

Jesus had time for anyone who felt they needed his care and compassion.

Jesus had time for Zacchaeus, a crooked tax man (Luke 19:1-11).

He did not condemn a woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11).

Jesus welcomed back his friend Peter who, being afraid, swore he didn’t know him (Luke 22:54-62 and John 21:15-25).

This Jesus, the son of God, told a thief hanging on a cross next to him that “today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:39-43).

Today Jesus still has time for the lost, the lonely, the unhappy, the broken-hearted (John 14:27).

Jesus has time for you.

You probably won’t see him, but he assures us that if you want to talk to him, he promises always to listen and support you.

He says, “Listen, I stand at the door and knock; if any hear my voice and open the door, I will come into their house and eat with them, and they will eat with me” (Revelations 3:20).

This Jesus, this man who is also the son of the living God, whose life and love you can read about in the Bible, in a book or on your phone or iPad; this man filled with nothing but love stands alongside and says, “come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

That is why I feel Jesus would be right at home at a skate park.

God bless you.

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