Life Through the Lens: Giving blood is an act of love

Kevin Schrapel salutes the blood donors who give to the Red Cross whenever they set up in Murray Bridge.

Life Through the Lens: Giving blood is an act of love

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel.

The Red Cross’ Lifeblood van visits Murray Bridge. Photo: Kevin Schrapel.

The other day, I noticed Red Cross blood bank vehicles in Christ Church Lutheran’s front yard on Swanport Road.

There was nothing unusual about that, as they regularly set up there, using John Dohler Hall as a collection point for blood from donors.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought “how appropriate”.


Churches are where people worship and talk about Jesus, the Jesus who suffered and then died on a cross to save people from living a broken friendship with the God of the Bible.

This God looks upon himself as “heavenly father”, and his followers look upon themselves as family.

God’s word says, “in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith” (Galatians 3:26).

The Red Cross blood bank is about using blood from donators, volunteers, who give their blood to save people: to restore them to their loved ones, their fathers, their families, brothers and sisters.

Jesus was not forced to go through the suffering and dying, having his blood shed through nails driven into his hands and feet.

He did it out of love for all, a deep and lasting love for you and me, who the Bible tells us he knows by name.

Don’t try to work it out – just accept it.

I believe those who voluntarily give their blood at the blood bank do so out of love and care for men and women they most likely will never meet.

The Bible teaches that every good and loving thing that happens is part of God’s design for love and care to be part of our lives, even if the people themselves may not believe in the God of the Bible.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father,” says James 1:17

Think about it: what is the symbol of the Red Cross?

Thank God for the benefits which come to us all through the dedication of all involved in this fantastic community service.

They are all doing good.

I’m sure God is proud of them.

  • Donate blood: The Red Cross Lifeblood van will be outside Christ Church Lutheran on Swanport Road, Murray Bridge from 8.30am to 3pm on Thursday, February 18; and will return on May 17-20. Visit or call 13 14 95.

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